vom Wüstenjäger

About vom Wüstenäger
Kennel vom Wüstenäger was founded in 2008 for the purpose of producing our own replacement hunting partners. Our lives and vacations center around our love of hunting, spending as much time as possible every year in the great outdoors with our dogs.
Having grown up going hunting with my family over dogs, I have always appreciated the working dogs. When Wayne showed an interest in getting a hunting dog, I jumped on it as soon as he chose a breed I knew I could get behind and enjoy!
The Deutsch Kurzhaar
The Deutsch Kurzhaar is a versatile and intelligent dog developed to be the all-around hunting and family companion. With their excellent scenting and use of nose, they are excellent in the upland game fields locating various game bird species and furred game. Take them to the water and they are also excellent at working on the water recovering and retrieving waterfowl. In the forest these dogs will hunt grouse as well as blood track wounded large game animals. At the end of the hunt, take them home and they are just as happy snuggling with you on the couch or at your feet on the floor.
Our Breeding Process
The DK must only be bred after qualifying through the testing and breeding regulations of the DKV/JGHV. The Ahnentafel (pedigree) is 5 generation and on the back all testing of the dog is documented. Breeding qualification includes passing JGHV hunting tests to include field and water work, confirmation show rating of at least good or better, and passing hip & elbow x-ray evaluation. Puppies cannot be registered DK without both parents having qualified themselves.
This is a system that we feel does the best job of producing healthy, talented, strong versatile hunting dogs and family companions.